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I decided to splurge and abandon the old 2 x 4 style of bed divider that I had used for years in my old S-10. So I used some points and cash and got the Ford version.

Notes: At first, I thought my bed was sprung, as the divider absolutely would NOT lock into place. The Ford worldwide instruction sheet is the usual Ford "quality."

In the pictures, you can see the 4 torx bolts, 2 on each side. After going from side to side trying to figure out what I was doing wrong, I decided to loosen all 4 bolts and jiggled it a bit and it went into place and the locks were able to be used. There is a picture in the instructions (not included...you have to go print them yourself) that shows there is something inside the track that will allow the adjustment.

I am not sure what Ford was thinking when it included the cable. Nothing in the instructions really talked about it. I can see it useful for keeping a gas can or something similar in place. Anyway, here are pictures as someone requested.

The Ford Logo is on both sides of the divider (not just a flimsy single piece). Shipping weight was 21 lbs. Now that the width is adjusted properly, it is easy to both slide it forward and backward in the track and to remove it.

Edit: The black wire you see in some pictures is run from the LED bed light. I tapped into it and will be installing some LED strip(s) somewhere in the front part of the bed so it will come on automatically whenever the LED light is on (by switch or by the automatic stuff.). Not sure yet what I will do, but I wanted to get the wire in place while I had the rails and bedliner apart.

Ford Maverick Maverick Ford Bed Divider Kit Installed Bed divider 1

Ford Maverick Maverick Ford Bed Divider Kit Installed Bed divider 2

Ford Maverick Maverick Ford Bed Divider Kit Installed Bed divider3

Ford Maverick Maverick Ford Bed Divider Kit Installed bed divider 4
